RASPAIL Necklace Necklaces CORASPAIL 1 292.00 € Note from the Designer: A ravishing, romantic necklace to wear on a daily basis and which will make a change comparing to the classical white diamond. The exclusive sparkle of the diamond will enlighten your “décolleté” (as French put it), whatever your complexion, and its rose-cut will impart a delicious vintage look. It can be worn alone or with other... Add to cart
TROCADERO Earrings Earrings BOTROCADERO 2 958.00 € Note from the Designer: Timeless, these earrings combine the delicacy of coral and the strength of sapphires to make a wow effect. The sapphires are arranged in shades of blue along with "perlé" setting, a signature of the House. Perfect on sunny days, they will fit comfortably with jeans, navy blue or pastel colors outfits. The sparkle and the size of... Add to cart
MARAIS Earrings Earrings BOMARAIS 2 450.00 € Note from the Designer: Those black and white pendant earrings definitely embody the “rock-chic” Parisian spirit! They combine two rarely-used elements in fine jewelry, usually used in finest jewelry: black gold and “icy” diamonds. Those natural gems present a very interesting “cloudy” aspect, very prized by experts. The black “perlé” setting which... Add to cart
ALMA Earrings Earrings BOALMA 3 908.00 € Note from the Designer: Iconic model of the brand, these delicate earrings spotlight 5 round-cut cognac diamonds in a subtle brown monochrome. Every stone has a “perlé” setting, as the signature of the House. The round rings binding the stones together give them a lot of silkiness and will make them follow your movements. They will frame your face with a... Add to cart
COURCELLES Necklace Necklaces COCOURCELLES 2 542.00 € Note from the Designer: This necklace is the brainchild of ancestral know-how: every slice of diamond is unique. It features natural marks left by the growth of the crystal, which form patterns, each more poetic than the next. No need for man’s action there … It is thus tailor-made crimped and paved with white diamonds to highlight this incredible slice... Add to cart
MARCEAU Necklace New creations COMARCEAU 3 125.00 € Note from the Designer: Five randomly set white diamonds of different sizes will enlighten your "décolleté" (as French put it), every season of the year. The "perlé" setting will bring a touch of additional light and grace to your allure, in a very charming way. With its ideal size, it looks very elegant when worn alone, but also perfect for... Add to cart
BOISSIERE Ring Exclusive Creations BABOISSIERE 1 067.00 € “The world is so empty if one thinks only of mountains, rivers and cities; but to know someone who thinks and feels with us, and who, though distant, is close to us in spirit, this makes the earth for us an inhabited garden.” (GOETHE) Note from the Designer: With our pavé diamond wedding rings from the “Wedding” collection, you will definitely give a... Add to cart
CHAMPS-ELYSEES Ring Madame BACHAMPSELYSEES 1 563.00 € Note from the Designer: With our pavé diamond wedding rings from the “Wedding” collection, you will definitely give a hint of eternity to your union… Those rings, with their “milgrain” diamonds in closed collet, have an extra touch of soul with their old-fashioned, but wholeheartedly modern charm. You can choose between a full circle and a half circle... Add to cart
DAUPHINE Ring Madame BADAUPHINE 1 475.00 € Note from the Designer: With our pavé diamond wedding rings from the BRIDAL collection, you will definitely give a hint of eternity to your union… Those rings, with their “milgrain” diamonds in closed collet, have an extra touch of soul with their old-fashioned, but wholeheartedly modern charm. You can choose between a full circle and a half circle paved... Add to cart
PIGALLE Ring Madame BAPIGALLE 1 529.00 € Note from the Designer: With our pavé diamond wedding rings from the “Wedding” collection, you will definitely give a hint of eternity to your union… Those rings, with their “milgrain” diamonds in closed collet, have an extra touch of soul with their old-fashioned, but wholeheartedly modern charm. You can choose between a full circle and a half circle... Add to cart
VOLTAIRE Ring Madame BAVOLTAIRE 1 042.00 € Note from the Designer: With our pavé diamond wedding rings from the “Wedding” collection, you will definitely give a hint of eternity to your union… Those rings, with their “milgrain” diamonds in closed collet, have an extra touch of soul with their old-fashioned, but wholeheartedly modern charm. The VOLTAIRE, a classic among the classic, is all... Add to cart
LA FAYETTE Tassels for Earrings Earrings PAMPLAFAYETTE 1 125.00 € Note from the Designer: For women who are fond of wonderful objects and are wishing to stand out, here is a pair of tassel for earrings (also available individually) which will certainly make a wow effect! Delicate slices of diamond directly cut in rough diamond, which reveal natural marks left by the growth of the crystal, are surrounded by a net of... Add to cart
SAINT-GERMAIN Earrings Exclusive Creations BOSAINTGERMAIN 3 917.00 € Note from the Designer: Iconic model of the brand with its 5 round cut stones embedded in a close set, those earrings gave more than one trip up their sleeves: the sapphires used here have the rare, distinguish feature to shade de the colors according to the way they are enlightened! Thus, in daylight, the bluish and green ones are highlighted, whereas... Add to cart
GEORGE V Ring Rings BAGEORGEV 8 250.00 € Note from the Designer: A pure wonder… An icy “pinkish light brown” rose cut diamond is supported by 12 very white diamonds arranged in triangle on each side. The natural inclusions of the center stone play with the light and it will never look the same according to the time of day. A very sweet ring of which we never get bored, available in very limited... Add to cart
INVALIDES Convertible Earrings Earrings BOINVALIDES 3 125.00 € Note from the Designer: Are you fed up with your diamond ear chips that are worn by every woman but that are sooooooo much casual? Do not worry: with our Invalides model, you will be fulfilled! Not only is the center stone nothing but a delightful 4.5 mm-diamond “Salt & Pepper” grey diamond (you are already getting a key point regarding your style),... Add to cart
CONCORDE Necklace Necklaces COCONCORDE 1 850.00 € Note from the Designer: The modernized version of the (too) classical diamond solitaire pendant that one endlessly sees around every neck… The Concorde will refine your “décolleté” (as French put it) with its delicate “perlé” setting enlightening three round exquisite diamonds. Every detail has been deeply thought: two tiny diamonds are set on the chain,... Add to cart
TRINITY Necklace Exclusive Creations COTRINITE 3 042.00 € Note from the Designer: A fabulous Christian cross that you will not find around every neck … They spotlight a magnificent yellow diamond at its center, and the four branches are entirely paved with white diamonds. Subtle detail regarding the hook, which features a cross, also paved with white diamonds. Once again, a revisited classic as I like, which... Add to cart
ODEON Necklace Exclusive Creations COODEON 1 888.00 € Note from the Designer: This necklace has what it takes to appeal to everyone: it is an “all-purpose”, at ease both during the day with casual or “working girl” dress and at night, with a little dress or with a fancy top … The white shirt will undeniably be its best ally! Its five high quality pear-cut diamonds (P VS) in a “milgrain” closed set are... Add to cart
MONTMARTRE Ring Engagement BAMONTMARTRE 3 100.00 € Note from the Designer: Here is a ring which doubtlessly has its personality, and which will appear to every woman who appreciate vintage esthetic… A very romantic design for this solitaire ring which puts a magnificent grey diamond with incredible luster forefront. Its color is highlighted by delicate leaves paved with white diamonds which support it on... Add to cart
MADELEINE Ring Exclusive Creations BAMADELEINE 367.00 € Note from the Designer: Pure gracefulness… A fine chain holds a round cut stone (sapphire or diamond) embedded in a close set and nothing else. The stone seems floating on your finger as if by magic. If you are searching for a ring which would be forgotten, this is actually the one you are looking for! A fine and delicate model which became a classic in... Add to cart
MONGE Ring Madame BAMONGE 575.00 € Note from the Designer: A very posh, all rounded wedding ring, yet with a hint of vintage, which will appeal to women wishing something else than a simple jonc… Nevertheless, it is a great classic in jewelry, made in France in a craft workshop specialized in wedding rings. It is composed of a series of small pearls joined one to another and will be very... Add to cart
VERSAILLES Earrings Home BOVERSAILLES 9 167.00 € Note from the Designer: Magnificent earrings, part of the “Diamonds of Exception” collection, the Versailles Earrings make a first big impression, however without falling into vulgarity. They spotlight two rare, perfectly paired hexagon-cut diamonds of exceptional quality (E VVS). They are enhanced by four round-cut diamonds of the same quality and are... Add to cart